Pressure mounts on FG to stop cybersecurity levy

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The House of Representatives, Northern Elders Forum and some members of the organised private sector on Thursday asked the CBN to suspend the implementation of the controversial cybersecurity levy, saying the new charge would worsen the economic hardship in the country, among other issues.

Specifically, they called for a complete reversal of the policy, which they described as insensitive.

The cybersecurity levy, meant to be imposed on online banking transactions, had earlier been rejected by many Nigerians.


On May 6, the CBN communicated a new policy requiring financial institutions to introduce the cybersecurity levy.

The CBN said the levy pegged at 0.5 per cent of all electronic transaction values is a provision of the recently passed 2024 Cybercrime (Prohibition, Prevention, etc.) Amendment Act.

The purpose of this levy, according to the bank, is to bolster the nation’s cybersecurity initiatives, which are overseen by the Office of the National Security Adviser.

Through a circular addressed to banks, the CBN mandated financial institutions to commence the imposition of the cybersecurity levy.

The circular, endorsed by the CBN’s Director of Payments Systems Management, Chibuzor Efobi, and the Director of Financial Policy and Regulation, Haruna Mustafa, clarified that the new surcharge collection was in response to the enactment of the 2024 Cybercrime (Prohibition, Prevention, etc.) Amendment Act.

However, prominent Nigerian groups including the Reps and NEF urged the apex bank to withdraw the “ambiguous” circular in existence and issue an unequivocal circular in line with the letters and spirit of the Cybercrimes (Amendment) Act, 2024.

The House also directed its committees on Banking Regulations, and Banking and Other Ancillary Institutions to guide the CBN properly.

The resolution followed the adoption of a motion of urgent public importance moved by the House Minority Leader, Kingsley Chinda and 359 others.

Moving the motion, Chinda who represents the Obio/Akpor Federal Constituency, Rivers State, noted that the CBN through a circular to all commercial, merchant, non-interest and payment service banks; other financial institutions, mobile money operators and payment service providers (“CBN Circular”) dated May 6, 2024, informed Nigerians of a proposed 0.5 per cent levy on electronic transactions in line with Section 44(2) (a) of the Cybercrimes (Amendment) Act, 2024.

He maintained that Section 44(2)(a) of the Cybercrimes (Prohibition, Prevention, etc) (Amendment) Act, 2024 provides that “A levy of 0.5 per cent (0.005) equivalent to half per cent of all electronic transactions value by businesses specified in the Second Schedule to the Act” be paid into the Cybersecurity Fund.”

He explained, “The House notes that businesses which the said Section 44(2)(a) refers to are listed in the Second Schedule to the Cybercrimes Act to be GSM Service Providers and all telecommunication companies; Internet Service Providers; Banks and Other Financial Institutions; Insurance Companies and the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

“The CBN circular mandates all banks, other financial institutions and payments service providers to implement the Cybercrimes Act by applying the levy at the point of electronic transfer origination as ‘cybersecurity Levy’ and remitting same.

“The wordings of the CBN circular leaves the directive to multiple interpretations including that the levy be paid by bank customers, that is, Nigerians against the letters and spirit of Section 44(2)(a) and the Second Schedule to the Cybercrimes Act, which specifies the businesses that should be levied accordingly.”

The development according to the lawmaker, “has led to apprehension as civil society organisations and citizens have taken to conventional and social media to call out the Federal Government, give ultimatums for a reversal of the imposed levy on Nigerians among other things.

He argued that unless immediate pragmatic steps were taken to stop the proposed action of the CBN, “The Cybercrime Act shall be implemented in error at a time when Nigerians are experiencing the aftermath of multiple removal of subsidies from petroleum, electricity and so on and the rising inflation.”

Northern elders kick

Reacting, the Prof. Ango Abdullahi-led Northern Elders Forum, on Thursday, condemned the CBN’s decision to impose a cybersecurity levy on bank customers across the country.

The NEF, through a statement by its Director of Publicity and Advocacy, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman, expressed dissatisfaction with the policy.

The forum cited the escalating costs associated with banking transactions as a result of multiple charges, describing the CBN’s new directive as “arbitrary, illegal, and out of touch with the realities faced by Nigerians.”

The northern body, therefore, called on the government to reconsider the policy and explore alternative measures to ease the financial strain on individuals while still promoting the use of electronic payments.

The NEF pointed out that the introduction of cybersecurity levies, in addition to existing fees such as stamp duty, transfer fees, value-added tax, and SMS charges, has placed an unbearable financial burden on individuals engaging in electronic transactions.

The forum highlighted the various charges that bank customers now face, including cybersecurity levy, transfer fees, stamp duty, and Value-Added Tax, saying the additional costs had significantly increased the overall expense of electronic transactions for both senders and receivers.

While acknowledging the importance of cybersecurity in safeguarding electronic transactions, the NEF emphasised the need for a more balanced approach that ensures the costs of security measures are reasonable and do not excessively burden bank customers.

The NEF said that in a country already grappling with economic challenges and hyper-inflammatory conditions, the additional financial burden imposed by the cybersecurity levy was unjust and unfair, urging the government and relevant stakeholders to find a sustainable solution that strikes a fair balance between enhancing cybersecurity and alleviating the financial strain of the Nigerian populace.

“It is crucial that the government listens to the concerns of organisations like the NEF and works towards implementing policies that benefit all Nigerians, rather than burdening them with additional costs and hardships.

“It is essential to strike a delicate balance between enhancing cybersecurity and easing the financial burden on the populace, particularly at a time when the Nigerian economy is facing significant challenges due to inflation and other economic factors,” the NEF said.

The elders urged the authorities and relevant stakeholders to engage in meaningful review and find a solution that addresses the legitimate concerns raised by the public regarding the cybersecurity levy.

In the same vein, the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and the Centre for the Promotion of Private Enterprise also demanded the stoppage of the cybersecurity levy.

The private sector advocacy groups, in separate statements, condemned the move by the government to introduce a new levy at a time Nigerians were grappling with ‘severe economic hardship’.

In a statement signed by its Director-General, Chinyere Almona, the LCCI described the levy as worrisome, stating that individuals and businesses would be burdened with an additional levy amid unsettled performance crises with power supply after the recently reviewed electricity tariffs.

The chamber noted that the upward review of the electricity tariff had not resulted in a commensurate boost in power supply to justify the additional costs to individuals and businesses.

The LCCI further argued that since the collection of the levy cannot guarantee the protection of payers from cyberattacks, it was difficult to justify its collection at this time.

The statement read in part, “We urge the government to reconsider the implementation of this directive as its timing is wrong, and the justification is unclear. This directive should be withdrawn while we call for more consultations with critical stakeholders.

“At a time when government revenues are at record levels from higher crude prices, higher revenues accrued to the Federal Allocation Account, and saved resources from the stoppage of subsidies, we expect to see projects created to enhance the living standard of the people as a dividend of democracy for the sacrifices made by Nigerians.

“In the face of biting inflation that has continued to weaken the purchasing power of consumers and with companies burdened with a rising cost of production, any further imposition of additional cost burden will slow down economic activities and drag our economic growth drive.”

On its part, the CPPE, in a statement signed by its Chief Executive Officer, Muda Yusuf, described the new tax as a major concern.

Yusuf said the levy was coming at a time when businesses and the generality of citizens were yet to recover from the shocks of current reforms.

He said, “Citizens and corporate organisations expect that taxes and levies are being rationalised and streamlined for a better business environment.

“The Presidential Committee on Fiscal and Tax Reforms had said this repeatedly. The announcement on the cybersecurity levy contradicts earlier assurances by the Presidential Committee,” he noted.

NACCIMA raises concerns

In its reaction, the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Agriculture also expressed concerns regarding the CBN directive.

Speaking with one of our correspondents, the NACCIMA President, Dele Oye, said that the association was in consultation with stakeholders regarding the new policy.

“We are still in consultation with our stakeholders. While NACCIMA recognises the importance of bolstering our national cybersecurity infrastructure, the blanket imposition of this levy without a limit raises significant issues that warrant a thorough review and reconsideration by the authorities.

“Firstly, the security and defence sectors are already substantial recipients of the national budget. They are responsible for tackling a hybrid of security challenges like terrorism, banditry, and other internal conflicts in Nigeria.

“The imposition of this levy, which comes at a time when the business community is anticipating the final recommendations from the Presidential Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms Committee, is particularly troubling. We were reassured that the tax system would be streamlined to no more than 10 significant types. However, this new tax could detrimentally affect Nigeria’s competitiveness in the Ease of Doing Business rankings, discourage foreign direct investment, instigate capital flight, and exacerbate the talent drain in the technology sector,” Oye added.

He appealed to the government and the relevant authorities to reconsider the imposition of this cybersecurity levy.

“We urge a suspension of the levy for a few weeks pending a comprehensive review and consultation with key stakeholders. It is imperative to ensure clarity in its implementation and to align it with the broader fiscal policy and tax reform objectives that support the growth and competitiveness of the Nigerian economy,” he stated.

An economist, Paul Alaje, said the Introduction of a 0.5 per cent levy on transactions part from the 16 transactions that were exempted by the CBN has a lot of implementations.

He added that it would cripple the economy as the country was already heading to recession.

“The question is if you are deploying a new technology in cyberspace, the responsibility of maintaining it should be on the organisation and not the user. So, shifting the cost of maintenance on the public is highly unfair,” he said.

NESG reacts

Also, the Nigerian Economic Summit Group urged the government to target high-net-worth individuals with the new cybersecurity levy, rather than imposing it on all electronic transactions.

In a statement on Thursday, NESG warned that the current plan to charge a 0.5 per cent levy on all electronic transactions could lead to a boycott of digital payments, resulting in reduced revenue for the government.

It noted that the Presidential Committee on Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms mandate includes the recommendation to reduce the amount of taxes, and the imposition of a cybersecurity fee could undermine this crucial directive.

The statement added that, notably, the programme aimed to combat cybercrimes and generate income for the government, but not at the expense of severely burdening Nigerians who are impoverished.

”At the NESG, putting this policy into effect at this crucial juncture may slow down the rate at which the country aims to reach its 2025 goal of 95 per cent financial inclusion,” the NESG said.

The statement partly read further, “Amidst the cost-of-living crisis exacerbated by rising inflation, the cybersecurity levy is mistimed, considering CBN’s concern about the high rate of financial exclusion and increased currency in circulation.

“The NESG posits that the levy should be targeted at high-net-worth individuals and a specific amount transferred electronically to allay the fears of the populace, who are still battling skyrocketing food and non-food prices. However, if this policy remains, several Nigerians will boycott electronic fund transfers, which does not even bode well for the government due to revenue loss from the electronic transfer levy.

“The cybersecurity levy needs to be reconsidered, considering the CBN’s concern about the high rate of financial exclusion and increased currency in circulation. At the NESG, we are concerned that implementing this policy at this critical time will decelerate the pace of achieving the 95 per cent financial inclusion target of 2025.”

The group added that the mere news of charges on bank transactions would discourage many Nigerians from accessing financial services, potentially propelling a surge in the demand for cash.

CBN mum

Meanwhile, efforts to get the CBN Acting Director of Corporate Communications, Hakama Sidi Ali, to comment on the matter were not successful as of press time.

Ali did not answer calls made to her phone nor return same as of press time.

However, an official of the CBN, who pleaded anonymity because he was not authorised to speak on the matter, told one of our correspondents that the management would decide on the matter soon.

Nigerians have since taken to various social media platforms to debate the new cybersecurity levy, wondering why the Federal Government would contemplate that at a time like this.